Audible frequencies are from 20 Hz. to 25,000 Hz. The basis
of the logic for pitch/colour connection is as follows: Assume
the speed of light in a vacuum is a constant i.e. 299,792,458
metres per second. The wave length of a particular colour
may be expressed in metres (nanometres or Angstroms). We assume
that 299,792,458 metres is equivalent to a number of wavelengths,
which may be determined by dividing 299,792,458 by the distance
in metres of one wavelength. i.e. frequency = (metres travelled
by light per second) _ (wavelength of specific colour)
Eg: for 5800 Angstroms (yellow) Frequency = 299,792,458 /
0.000,000,58 = 516,883,530,000,000 Hz.
As octaves are a result of doubling or halving frequency
this high frequency may be reduced to a precise audible value
by cumulative halving.
The following table shows the results of this logic: